Paula Kruger

Clinical Psychotherapist & Counsellor

Anger Management

Anger Management Sydney – Paula Kruger

Sometimes when we can’t fix the situation easily and directly, we must manage it. And such is the case with Anger. With our irritation on full display and heart rate up, the last thing you may be thinking is anger management until you are really in dire straights.

What is Anger Management?

Anger management is about understanding the underlying process of what makes you angry. After observing this, you can then take action to relax, or deal with whatever angered you in a more productive fashion. Effectively dealing with one’s anger isn’t about hiding one’s anger or having it persist with you in the background.

It is OK to be angry? It is a healthy emotion when you know how to express it appropriately. The method for dealing with Anger is a learned skill, and certainly, many have not had the education or appropriate training. So recognising that improvement is required puts you on the path to mastery!

You may learn anger management tips on your own, and one such avenue is to read self-help books. However, it is my experience that what is truly most effective is to seek out the services of mental health professional to receive a well-rounded treatment.

Anger Management Counselling

In the anger management counselling process, you will be helped with recognising your frustration early on. You can then communicate in a way that allows you to express your anger Sometimes we require help to stay calm and in control.

There are warning signs that you may need help controlling your anger. These are signs that may indicate a need to seek out to collaborate with the services of a counselor. These signs may include the following.

  • Constantly feeling you have to get a hold on your anger
  • Persistent negative thinking and focusing on the negative experience
  • Regular irritation, quick hostility, and impatience with others
  • Frequent arguments that result from frustration, and only escalate
  • Physical violence, even against loved ones
  • Threats of violence against people or property
  • Out of control and frightening/intimidating behavior, such as throwing items or maniacal driving
  • Having to avoid situations and people because of anxiety over future anger outbursts

Generally, counselling for anger management focuses on learning specific behavioral skills and ways of thinking so you can cope with anger.

Outcomes of Anger Management

The aim of counselling and anger management courses is to instruct you in the following:

  • Manage factors that are a trigger for anger, such as ensuring a good night’s sleep. Another to lower stress and implementing stress management
  • Be observant and identify the situations that set you off, and then to respond non-aggressively
  • Train mental skills to use in situations likely to trigger your anger
  • Recognize when you are thinking too emotionally, and become more analytical
  • Implement calm down strategies when you recognise being upset, for example, by using relaxation skills or taking a break
  • Express your feelings and needs assertively when feeling angry
  • Focus on the problem-solving part of the brain when frustrated. Instead of using energy on angriness, you will learn to redirect your energy to find solutions
  • Communicate more effectively so the anger is diffused and conflicts can be resolved

How to manage Anger

Over the years, I have found anger management counselling helps to improve your ability to manage anger with several benefits. You will feel as if you have more control when life’s challenges occur. Implementing a more assertive expression means you can avoid a lot of frustration. It is quite irritating to hold in your anger to avoid offending someone.

Dealing with anger can help you communicate your needs more effectively, maintain better health, and prevent the Psychological and social problems linked to anger. You will learn how to use your frustration to achieve things and avoid addictive escapes.
