For empathic Counselling and Psychotherapy

Wellbeing At Macquarie

Paula Kruger Clinical Psychotherapist & Relationship Counsellor

We will work through the solution together

Private Health Funds That Are Covered

Private Health Funds That Are Covered

Effective Counselling Together

Please book your

I have over 23 years of experience, and I enjoy seeing the many positive results in the lives of my clients.

If you are in need, I can help you.  Book our Consultation, I look forward to talking with you soon.

Counselling Services Information


Can be a normal part of life. It is a problem when it is hard to concentrate, disrupting day to day functioning.

Anger Management

Sometimes when we can’t fix the situation easily and directly, we must manage it. And such is the case with Anger.

Burnout & Self Care

It is a huge challenge to find balance in our lives to care appropriately for our wellbeing.

Communication Skills

The key to success at work and in all interpersonal relationships is through effective communication.


Feeling down from time to time happens in life, but when emotions such as hopelessness and despair really dig in, take hold and won’t go away, you may have Depression.

Grief and loss

Grief, a natural reaction to losing someone very important to you, can be an overwhelming sensation. The gloomy realisation of the loss and the dawning of the heartbreaking reality.

Relationship Counselling

Some seek relationship counselling to strengthen their partnership and gain a better understanding of the needs of one another.

Self esteem & Self Confidence

Self-esteem, sometimes referred to as self-worth, can be a major factor behind success. High self-esteem will feel good, feeling of self-worth can be the best defense against negative thoughts.


Stress can provoke fear, anxiety, and worry, but each represents a different emotional reaction. By appreciating the differences and the relationships between emotions, we can put our problems in perspective.


Gambling is a problem when a person repeatedly gambles despite whatever significant problems or distress it causes themselves and others.​

Trauma Debrief Counselling

Professional debriefings that help people cope with and recover from a traumatic incident’s after-effects.

Looking after your emotional wellbeing is the pathway to a state of happiness. To find out more book now

The First Step

It sometimes may not easy making the first call. It can be a real struggle to recognise that you need help dealing with an issue that, at a particular time in your life deeply troubles you, negatively impacts your life and diminishes the quality of your everyday life.

It may be a sudden loss of a loved one, a job termination/redundancy, relationship issues, or a life transition, for instance. Seeking the services of a trained counselor gives you permission to process any problem that you are going through. It may also be that you wish to challenge yourself and desire more personal growth.

I have found over the past 23 years that clients have experienced positive change as a result of processing issues through in therapy. This, of course, may leave a person for a time feeling very vulnerable before experiencing significant long term and a positive life-changing outcome

What is Counselling

Counselling is a process of talking about and working through your personal problems. Counseling helps you to address your problems by helping you to clarify the issues, explore options, develop strategies, and increase self-awareness, self-acceptance and create peace of mind.

It helps to alleviate symptoms creatively through empathic understanding, instillation of hope, and the normalisation of your problem. A counselors’ role is to assist you in finding resolution and deeper understanding, helping you to grow in awareness.

The Benefits and Results of Counselling

There are many positive aspects.  For example, with Marriage Counselling, it often helps to simply be able talk to someone impartial.  Or, sometimes the benefit is just to set time aside for yourself. You may also find gains in self-awareness and understanding, as well as growing in confidence and self-esteem. 

You may feel a sense of release, too, as you find resolutions to troubling questions. Letting go of old beliefs and patterns of behaviour that no longer serve you is liberating. 

After counselling sessions, many clients often find clarity in thinking and an improved sense of well-being and self-empowerment.



  • For personal treatment of conditions
  • 1 hour session

For Support & Price


  • Available for couples to receive therapy
  • 1 hour session

For Support & Price

Our therapeutic relationship together, we will have

Unconditional positive regard, empathic understanding and a non-judgemental perspective and acceptance at all times.

Monday 09:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Tuesday 08:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Wednesday 08:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Thursday 08:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Friday 08:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Sunday Closed
Your information entered here is only used for consultation/booking purposes by Paula Kruger.
I will send you a SMS suggesting a time for our first session. If you need my services ASAP I will call as soon as I get the chance.

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